AMSAT China's XW-1 Satellite Testing Proceeding Well
Amateur satellite operators worldwide have reported receiving strong signals on the telemetry beacon of China's XW-1 satellite launched on December 15, 2009.The satellite is currently being commissioned but all three amateur radio modes, which include an V/U FM repeater, V/U linear transponder, and V/U AFSK packet, have been tested.Michael Chen, BD5RV/4 reported,
"I managed to operate the special event station BT3WX to work several E2, BY, VR2, XX9 throughout an evening pass of XW-1 using the FM transponder. It was the first open test of this bird's transponder. Everything works just great!"AFSK packets were active over Japan with JA0CAW receiving the downlink on 435.675 MHz AFSK 1200bps.JE1CVL, JH1EKH, BD4SY, JF2CTY, JH1BCL, JA5BLZ succeeded in a QSO over Japan using the linear transponder in 'VHF(LSB) up and UHF (USB) Linear Transponder Inverting on 145.950 MHz (Up) and 435.740 MHz (Down).
The XW-1 communications payload includes a beacon and three cross band transponders operating in FM, linear, and digital modes.
Uplinks: 145.8250 MHz FM, PL 67.0 Hz.
145.9250 - 145.9750 MHz SSB/CW
145.8250 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS
Downlinks: 435.6750 MHz FM
435.7650 - 435.7150 MHz SSB/CW
435.6750 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS
Beacon: 435.7900 MHz CW
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Pemasangan Tower Dan Antenna HF

Kali ini ingin saya cerita kan sesuatu berkaitan pemasangan tower dan antenna HF. Perkara ini telah saya paparkan di ruangan yang lalu namun apa yang saya paparkan adalah berbentuk lampiran gambar.
Untuk ruangan kali ini ingin saya ceritakan pengalaman yang saya lalui memasang antenna dan tower. Mungkin pengalaman yang saya lalui ini tidak seberapa kalau dibandingkan dengan pada rakan2 Ham yang terdahulu.
Pertama kali saya menolong memasang antenna Yagi ialah semasa saya SWL. Masa itu di sekitar tahun 80 han saya bersama Sharan Jit sekarang ini (9W2AA) antenna yang di pasang adalah dari buatan German dan amat berat...di pasangkan di atas bumbung rumah kepunyaan seorang Ham yang berasal dari German...antenna ini dipasangkan atas sebuah mast di Petaling Jaya.
Kemudian seingat saya pada tahun 1997 atau 98 saya bersama aruah 9M2GL (Hj Idris) dan juga 9M2JL (Ong Choon Lye) yang juga sudah silent key bersama dengan seorang. Lagi rigger RTM nama nya kalau tidak silap saya Maniam. Kami pada ketika itu membantu memasang Rohn Tower di rumah 9M2JX (Aruah Pak Jamel) di Damasara. Peritiwa memasang tower di rumah beiau tidak akan saya lupakan ini kerana satu peristiwa ngeri yang berlaku ketika kami menaikan tower yang ketiga ke atas.
Kejadian ngeri ini tidak akan saya lupakan sehingga kesaat ini. Apa yang berlaku ialah semasa kami menaikan tower ini seorang rigger berada di atas tower semenatar saya bersama aruah Hj Idris 9M2GL sedang menarik tali untuk menaikan tower di atas tower tersebut di taruh pulley....semasa menarik naik tower berkenaan...di ketingian saya kira hampir 20 kaki...tower yang di naikan tiba2...jatuh kebawah sementara saya dan aruah Haji Idris lari bertempiaran kami amat bernasib baik kerana kedudukan kami ketika itu bukan betul-betul di bawah tower yang dinaikan.
Kami amat bersyukur kerana tiada apa-apa kemalangan yang menimpa kami dan juga harta bende. Peristiwa ini tidak akan saya lupakan kerana ia membuat saya lebih berhati-hati dalam apa jua yang saya lakukan, sebut saje peristiwa ngeri ini teringat saya semasa mengikuti satu misi bantuan banjir bersama PBSM semasa saya mengikuti kenderaan 4x4 yang menarik sebuah boat.....dimana bila sampai satu selekoh di Maran tayar pembawa boat berkenaan telah tercabut keluar...dan ini menyebabkan kenderaan 4x4 tidak stabil dan terpaksa berhenti secara kecemesan...di selekoh berkenaan...saya pada ketika itu mengikuti boat berkenaan dari bahagian belakang dengan jarak yang selamat ini amat penting apabila kita mengikuti convoi ...pastikan jarak antara satu kereta mengikut jarak yang selamat.
Kita kembali kepada peristiwa tower jatuh kebawah tadi...apa yang menyebabkan ianya jatuh ke bawah punca utama ianya jatuh kebawah adalah kerana rigger berkenaan tidak memeriksa dengan baik ikatan pulley diatas Gin Pole berkenaan dimana tali yang mengikat pulley berkeaan tidak di ikat dengan rapi.
Peristiwa di Tahun 2003
Saya bersama rakan 9Ws dan SWLs menurunkan sebuah antenna Log Periodic panjang Boom berkenaan lebih dari 30kaki dan menggunakan double boom 3" garis pusat. Dan mempunyai banyak elements, element yang terpanjang sekali beukuran 50 kaki semasa menurunkan tower di tingkat 10 sebuah bangunan kerajaan tali yang digunakan untuk menurunkan tower ini terputus kami bernasib baik kerana ketika tali berkenaan putus tower tersebut kedudukan nya lebih kurang 2 kaki dari paras bumbung bangunan tersebut.
Utamakan Keselamatan
Apa yang ingin saya ketengahkan disini sebelum sesuatu kerja dilakukan pastikan segala-galanya selamat. Yang pertama pastikan tiada sesiapa berdiri di bawah tower berkenaan. Yang kedua pastikan safety helmet di gunakan dikuatiri bende2 saperti spaner, screw driver, bolts and nuts akan jatuh ke bawah. Sentiasa jauhkan kanak2 bermain disekitar kawasan tempat kerje kita. Pastikan tiada halangan di tempat kerja kita saperti batang2 aluminium antenna element haruslah di letakan di atas kerusi atau tempat yang tinggi sedikit dari tanah dan di jauhkan dari tower berkenaan. Semua tali dan wire rope yang di gunakan harus di periksan dengan rapi. Dan pastikan sesiapa yang memanjat keatas tower di lengkapi dengan ”Safety Harness/Belt”dan lain2 ”Personal Protective Equipments” (PPE) awas jangan gunakan selipar ketika anda membuat kerja2 pemasangan antenna dan tower, gunakan lah "safety shoes" ada banyak perkara yang harus dititik beratkan pastikan yang memanjat keatas tower ada pengalaman dalam apa yang di kerjakan. Jika hari hujan atau tower di dalam keadaan basah adalah di sarankan jangan lah memanjat tower kerana ini amat bahaya. Utamakan Keselamatan ini bagi mengelakan apa-apa kemalangan sayangilah diri anda dan keluarga anda.
Friday, December 11, 2009
9Ws Vs 9Ms
Adakah 9Ms Sombong?
Ada di antara ...9Ws pada hari ini mengatakan bahawa 9Ms kebanyakan nya sombong...
Mungkin apa yang dimaksudkan oleh mereka ialah 9Ms ini jarang berada di 2 meter ...simplex atau di repeater 2 meter. Mungkin ada kebenaran nya saya sendiri jarang berada d 2 meter repeater atau simplex. Akan tetapi ada di antara 9Ws menyatakan bahawa...kebanyakan 9Ms hidup bersendiri tampa mahu berkawan dengan 9Ws.... ada kah ini benar...???
Saya ingin ceritakan sesuatu di sini semasa saya SWL di akhir tahun 70han ..Saya banyak berkawan dengan 9Ms yang veteran yang jarak umur mereka dgn saya boleh di panggil abang, pakcik dan atuk....namun saya dapati tiada apa2 masalah untuk saya berhubung dengan mereka ini. Kerana apa yang saya lakukan ialah saya sentiasa menghormati mereka2 9Ms ini saperti Cikgu saya...kerana pada ketika itu saya perlukan bimbingan mereka dan setiap kali ada JOTA atau Field Day saya sentiasa tidak melepaskan peluang ini. Kerana Field Day dan Jota adalah training ground untuk saya mereka2 ini semua nya tidak sombong. Jika sekiranya mereka menegur saya ...saya menerima dengan positif. Dan belajar dari kesilapan....Saya SWL selama berbelas tahun maklom sajelah walaupun pada ketika itu kita telah lulus RAE namun oleh kerana ketika itu tiada lesen kelas B maka pergerakan kami amat terhad kami hanya boleh QSO di HF dan 2 meter semasa ada Field Day, dan JOTA sahaja atau pergi kerumah rakan2 Ham ...
Semasa saya SWL saya bergiat aktif dengan aktiviti2 Field Day dan tidak mengasingkan diri saya dari 9Ms mereka ini saya anggap sebagai kawan radio ham...walaupun jarak usia antara saya dan mereka ini boleh di panggil abang, pakcik dan ada yang boleh di panggil Atuk... Pada ketika itu apa yang ada di fikiran saya ialah belajar dari otai2 yang telah lama dalam bidang ini dan saya sentiasa menghormati mereke-mereka ini. Saya tidak nafikan ada di antara 9Ms yang kurang melayan kehendak saya. Namun saya tidak pula menjauhkan diri dari mereka kerana saya menghormati mereka dari segi usia dan juga dari segi pengalaman yang ada pada mereka. Dan saya juga tidak melebel mereka yang segelintir ini sebagai sombong. Pada saya mengkin oleh kerana usia saya ketika itu terlalu muda dan mungkin mereka kurang selesa bila bersama dengan orang muda saperti saya. Namun oleh kerana bila ada apa2 aktiviti saya sentiasa mendekati mereka2 ini lama kelamaan kita sudah bermesra....bak kata pepatah tak kenal maka tak cinta.
Mungkin apa yang dimaksudkan oleh mereka ialah 9Ms ini jarang berada di 2 meter ...simplex atau di repeater 2 meter. Mungkin ada kebenaran nya saya sendiri jarang berada d 2 meter repeater atau simplex. Akan tetapi ada di antara 9Ws menyatakan bahawa...kebanyakan 9Ms hidup bersendiri tampa mahu berkawan dengan 9Ws.... ada kah ini benar...???
Saya ingin ceritakan sesuatu di sini semasa saya SWL di akhir tahun 70han ..Saya banyak berkawan dengan 9Ms yang veteran yang jarak umur mereka dgn saya boleh di panggil abang, pakcik dan atuk....namun saya dapati tiada apa2 masalah untuk saya berhubung dengan mereka ini. Kerana apa yang saya lakukan ialah saya sentiasa menghormati mereka2 9Ms ini saperti Cikgu saya...kerana pada ketika itu saya perlukan bimbingan mereka dan setiap kali ada JOTA atau Field Day saya sentiasa tidak melepaskan peluang ini. Kerana Field Day dan Jota adalah training ground untuk saya mereka2 ini semua nya tidak sombong. Jika sekiranya mereka menegur saya ...saya menerima dengan positif. Dan belajar dari kesilapan....Saya SWL selama berbelas tahun maklom sajelah walaupun pada ketika itu kita telah lulus RAE namun oleh kerana ketika itu tiada lesen kelas B maka pergerakan kami amat terhad kami hanya boleh QSO di HF dan 2 meter semasa ada Field Day, dan JOTA sahaja atau pergi kerumah rakan2 Ham ...
Semasa saya SWL saya bergiat aktif dengan aktiviti2 Field Day dan tidak mengasingkan diri saya dari 9Ms mereka ini saya anggap sebagai kawan radio ham...walaupun jarak usia antara saya dan mereka ini boleh di panggil abang, pakcik dan ada yang boleh di panggil Atuk... Pada ketika itu apa yang ada di fikiran saya ialah belajar dari otai2 yang telah lama dalam bidang ini dan saya sentiasa menghormati mereke-mereka ini. Saya tidak nafikan ada di antara 9Ms yang kurang melayan kehendak saya. Namun saya tidak pula menjauhkan diri dari mereka kerana saya menghormati mereka dari segi usia dan juga dari segi pengalaman yang ada pada mereka. Dan saya juga tidak melebel mereka yang segelintir ini sebagai sombong. Pada saya mengkin oleh kerana usia saya ketika itu terlalu muda dan mungkin mereka kurang selesa bila bersama dengan orang muda saperti saya. Namun oleh kerana bila ada apa2 aktiviti saya sentiasa mendekati mereka2 ini lama kelamaan kita sudah bermesra....bak kata pepatah tak kenal maka tak cinta.
SWL Vs 9Ms
Ingin saya ceritakan sesuatu yang berlaku pada saya semasa SWL. Semasa saya SWL saya selalu pergi ke Ipoh ke rumah abang saya di Ipoh pula jika ada kelapangan saya akan pergi ke rumah Pak Bahar 9M2SB saya akan kerumah beliau pada waktu petang kerana pada ketika itu banyak station2 Ham akan keudara di 40 meter iaitu di 7.040MHZ setiap petang. Saya selalu berqso di rumah 9M2SB dengan rakan Ham saperti Dato Tan 9M2DW, 9M2RS, 9M2AR,9M2GL, 9M2RB, 9M2ZA, 9M2FK, 9M2FR,9M2EG, 9M2FZ,9M2BG,9M2RJ,9M2HF,9M2OK,9M2GV, dll. kebetulan pada tahun 1984 saya on Job Training di Setesyen Janakuasa Letrik Teluk Ewa Pulau Langkawi. Sebelum saya berangkat kesana saya sempat memberitahu Pak Rahman 9M2AR yang saya akan ke Langkawi dan saya memberitahu pada Pak Rahman kalau ada masa datanglah ke Pulau Langkawi sebab saya berada di Setesyen Janakuasa Teluk Ewa Langkawi. Saya sepatutnya berada di sana selama 3 bulan namun saya pendekkannya menjadi 2 bulan 1/2 saya balik awal kebetulan semasa saya balik ke Taiping Cikgu Rahman 9M2AR datang mencari saya di Pulau Langkawi. Sebenarnya kami tidak pernah bertemu kami hanya bertemu melalui udara sahaja itu pun terhad bila saya ke Ipoh baru saya boleh operate dari rumah Pak Bahar 9M2SB kerana ketika itu saya masih lagi SWL. Cuba anda fikir-fikirkan bagaimana Cikgu Rahman 9M2AR sanggup datang ke Langkawi untuk berjumpa dengan saya. Sepatutnya saya yang datang berjumpa dengan 9M2AR namun beliau sendiri yang datang berjumpa dengan saya....kenapa????? Cuba anda cari sendiri jawapan nya...apa yang ada pada saya ketika itu saya hanyalah seorang SWL saya tidak mempunyai callsign pun...tapi mengapa beliau 9M2AR sanggup datang dari Alor Setar ke Pulau Langkawi.....mengapa ini berlaku???? Cuba anda cari jawapan sendiri...
Untuk pengetahuan anda saya rasa begitu terharu sekali apabila dapat tahu Cikgu Rahman pergi ke Langkawi mencari saya yang pada ketika itu saya sudah pulang Ke Taiping kampung halaman saya. Untuk pengetahuan anda semasa saya mendapat Callsign di lewat tahun 80han...saya sentisa berQSO dengan 9M2AR, 9M2SB,9M2FK,9M2GL,9M2RS,9M2DW,9M2LC,9M2SB,9M2DW, 9M2CO, 9M2DS, 9M2LS, 9M2WW, 9M2WT , 9M2GW,9M2JL, 9M2FZ, 9M2TA, 9M2BG, 9M2RF, 9M2ZA,9M2PN,9V1OK, 9V1XW, dll....untuk pengetahuan anda saya hanya dapat eyeball QSO pertama kali dengan Cikgu Rahman di tahun 2002....anda bayang kan kita selalu berhubung di udara namum saya hanya berkesempatan menemui beliau pada tahun 2002 sahaja...
Ingin saya ceritakan sesuatu yang berlaku pada saya semasa SWL. Semasa saya SWL saya selalu pergi ke Ipoh ke rumah abang saya di Ipoh pula jika ada kelapangan saya akan pergi ke rumah Pak Bahar 9M2SB saya akan kerumah beliau pada waktu petang kerana pada ketika itu banyak station2 Ham akan keudara di 40 meter iaitu di 7.040MHZ setiap petang. Saya selalu berqso di rumah 9M2SB dengan rakan Ham saperti Dato Tan 9M2DW, 9M2RS, 9M2AR,9M2GL, 9M2RB, 9M2ZA, 9M2FK, 9M2FR,9M2EG, 9M2FZ,9M2BG,9M2RJ,9M2HF,9M2OK,9M2GV, dll. kebetulan pada tahun 1984 saya on Job Training di Setesyen Janakuasa Letrik Teluk Ewa Pulau Langkawi. Sebelum saya berangkat kesana saya sempat memberitahu Pak Rahman 9M2AR yang saya akan ke Langkawi dan saya memberitahu pada Pak Rahman kalau ada masa datanglah ke Pulau Langkawi sebab saya berada di Setesyen Janakuasa Teluk Ewa Langkawi. Saya sepatutnya berada di sana selama 3 bulan namun saya pendekkannya menjadi 2 bulan 1/2 saya balik awal kebetulan semasa saya balik ke Taiping Cikgu Rahman 9M2AR datang mencari saya di Pulau Langkawi. Sebenarnya kami tidak pernah bertemu kami hanya bertemu melalui udara sahaja itu pun terhad bila saya ke Ipoh baru saya boleh operate dari rumah Pak Bahar 9M2SB kerana ketika itu saya masih lagi SWL. Cuba anda fikir-fikirkan bagaimana Cikgu Rahman 9M2AR sanggup datang ke Langkawi untuk berjumpa dengan saya. Sepatutnya saya yang datang berjumpa dengan 9M2AR namun beliau sendiri yang datang berjumpa dengan saya....kenapa????? Cuba anda cari sendiri jawapan nya...apa yang ada pada saya ketika itu saya hanyalah seorang SWL saya tidak mempunyai callsign pun...tapi mengapa beliau 9M2AR sanggup datang dari Alor Setar ke Pulau Langkawi.....mengapa ini berlaku???? Cuba anda cari jawapan sendiri...
Untuk pengetahuan anda saya rasa begitu terharu sekali apabila dapat tahu Cikgu Rahman pergi ke Langkawi mencari saya yang pada ketika itu saya sudah pulang Ke Taiping kampung halaman saya. Untuk pengetahuan anda semasa saya mendapat Callsign di lewat tahun 80han...saya sentisa berQSO dengan 9M2AR, 9M2SB,9M2FK,9M2GL,9M2RS,9M2DW,9M2LC,9M2SB,9M2DW, 9M2CO, 9M2DS, 9M2LS, 9M2WW, 9M2WT , 9M2GW,9M2JL, 9M2FZ, 9M2TA, 9M2BG, 9M2RF, 9M2ZA,9M2PN,9V1OK, 9V1XW, dll....untuk pengetahuan anda saya hanya dapat eyeball QSO pertama kali dengan Cikgu Rahman di tahun 2002....anda bayang kan kita selalu berhubung di udara namum saya hanya berkesempatan menemui beliau pada tahun 2002 sahaja...
Apa yang ingin saya ceritakan disini ialah kita jangan sekali-kali melebal 9M yang lama sombong dan sebagainya.. kita harus sentiasa menziarahi mereka ini. Dan bermesra dengan mereka mungkin pada hari pertama kita menemui mereka, mungkin mereka ini sentiasa mengatakan ini tak boleh itu tak boleh ....walaubagaimanapun kita yang terlalu muda dalam hobi ini harus menerima hakikat ini. ...Mungkin apa yang dinyatakan oleh otai2 ini ada kebenarannya...dan mungkin juga tidak oleh yang demikian kita harus sentiasa menghubungi mereka melalui eyebal atau cara lain dan sentiasalah bertanya khabar satelah beberapa kali berhubung barulah ada kemesraan pada ketika itu barulah kita boleh menilai mereka-mereka ini. Satu perkara lagi jangan kita dengar kata2 dari mulut2 rakan2 kita....kita harus periksa dahulu ada kah benar apa yang dikatankan oleh rakan2 kita mengenai sipulan dan sipulan.
Apa yang ingin saya ceritakan disini ialah kita jangan sekali-kali melebal 9M yang lama sombong dan sebagainya.. kita harus sentiasa menziarahi mereka ini. Dan bermesra dengan mereka mungkin pada hari pertama kita menemui mereka, mungkin mereka ini sentiasa mengatakan ini tak boleh itu tak boleh ....walaubagaimanapun kita yang terlalu muda dalam hobi ini harus menerima hakikat ini. ...Mungkin apa yang dinyatakan oleh otai2 ini ada kebenarannya...dan mungkin juga tidak oleh yang demikian kita harus sentiasa menghubungi mereka melalui eyebal atau cara lain dan sentiasalah bertanya khabar satelah beberapa kali berhubung barulah ada kemesraan pada ketika itu barulah kita boleh menilai mereka-mereka ini. Satu perkara lagi jangan kita dengar kata2 dari mulut2 rakan2 kita....kita harus periksa dahulu ada kah benar apa yang dikatankan oleh rakan2 kita mengenai sipulan dan sipulan.
Apa yang saya lihat di sini kita mudah melebelkan atau menghukum sesuatu yang tidak baik pada sesorang atau sesuatu persatuan dengan tidak usul periksa...dan kita hanya menerima bulat2 apa yang diucapkan oleh pihak2 tertentu. Kita harus mencari kebenaran baru lah kita boleh menerima apa yang dikatan oleh mana-mana individu.
Pada pendapat saya apa yang berlaku pada hari ini ialah ramai diantara anak muda pada hari ini tidak ”Respect” atau mengormati orang yang lebih tua dari kita oleh yang demikian kita mudah terpikat dengan perkara2 yang nagatif...
Kenapa pada tahun 2008 yang lalu saya mengusul pada beberapa 9Ws di adakan ARRD...
Tujuan nya adalah untuk menyatukan 9Ms, 9Ws dan SWL duduk di satu bumbung kita adalah pengemar Radio Amatur....kita cerita tentang Radio Amatur kita tidak mencerikaan perkara2 yang tidak baik tetang individu2 Radio Amatur dan kita juga tidak menceritakan tentang persatun atau Kelab apa yang kita ketengahkan ialah mengumpulkan seluruh Anggota Radio Amatur seluruh negara... Mengapa ada Radio Amatur dari German, Australia,Jepun, Singapura yang sanggup datang ke Port Dickson mereka datang kesini adalah untuk menemui rakan2 Ham dan bertukar2 pendapat tentang Radio Amatur. Jika Radio Amatur dari Jepun, Australia,German dan Singapura sanggup datang ke Port Dickson pada saya tidak ada sebab orang dari Malaysia tidak boleh hadir dalam ARRD ini...Bagi saya bukan suatu perkara yang mudah untuk mengumpulkan 9Ms, 9Ws ,SWL dan menjemput rakan2 ham dari lebih2 lagi disini kita mempunyai berbagai persatuan dan kelab yang memiliki berbagai ideologi.....namun alhamdulilah kita berjaya melakukan nya. Ini adalah pertama kali dalam sejarah Radio Amatur di Malaysia di ada kan ARRD (Amateur Radio Reunion Day)
Apa yang saya lihat di sini kita mudah melebelkan atau menghukum sesuatu yang tidak baik pada sesorang atau sesuatu persatuan dengan tidak usul periksa...dan kita hanya menerima bulat2 apa yang diucapkan oleh pihak2 tertentu. Kita harus mencari kebenaran baru lah kita boleh menerima apa yang dikatan oleh mana-mana individu.
Pada pendapat saya apa yang berlaku pada hari ini ialah ramai diantara anak muda pada hari ini tidak ”Respect” atau mengormati orang yang lebih tua dari kita oleh yang demikian kita mudah terpikat dengan perkara2 yang nagatif...
Kenapa pada tahun 2008 yang lalu saya mengusul pada beberapa 9Ws di adakan ARRD...
Tujuan nya adalah untuk menyatukan 9Ms, 9Ws dan SWL duduk di satu bumbung kita adalah pengemar Radio Amatur....kita cerita tentang Radio Amatur kita tidak mencerikaan perkara2 yang tidak baik tetang individu2 Radio Amatur dan kita juga tidak menceritakan tentang persatun atau Kelab apa yang kita ketengahkan ialah mengumpulkan seluruh Anggota Radio Amatur seluruh negara... Mengapa ada Radio Amatur dari German, Australia,Jepun, Singapura yang sanggup datang ke Port Dickson mereka datang kesini adalah untuk menemui rakan2 Ham dan bertukar2 pendapat tentang Radio Amatur. Jika Radio Amatur dari Jepun, Australia,German dan Singapura sanggup datang ke Port Dickson pada saya tidak ada sebab orang dari Malaysia tidak boleh hadir dalam ARRD ini...Bagi saya bukan suatu perkara yang mudah untuk mengumpulkan 9Ms, 9Ws ,SWL dan menjemput rakan2 ham dari lebih2 lagi disini kita mempunyai berbagai persatuan dan kelab yang memiliki berbagai ideologi.....namun alhamdulilah kita berjaya melakukan nya. Ini adalah pertama kali dalam sejarah Radio Amatur di Malaysia di ada kan ARRD (Amateur Radio Reunion Day)
Disini saya ingin menasihati rakan ham yang ada pada hari ini baik yang lama atau yang baru marilah kita sama-sama menghormati sesama sendiri. Jika anda rasa 9Ms ada yang sombong mungkin peratusnya terlalu sedikit atau boleh kita kira 1 atau 2...tapi cuba anda bersabar cuba ketemu meraka buatlah majlis2 tertentu jemput lah mereka jika mereka tidak mahu datang atau sudah uzur...pergi menjemput mereka...dan bawa mereka bersama dalam majlis tersebut cuba jangan berpolitik kita cerita tentang radio amatur sahaja. Jika mereka yang lama ini tidak mahu hadir di majlis rasmi maka pakat lah dua tiga orang pergilah menzirahi mereka saya percaya 9Ms ini akan gembira dengan kedatangan anda menziarahi mereka. Dan sentiasalah menghubungi mereka dan bertanya khabar. Saya percaya jika sekiranya kita bersifat terbuka dan sentiasa menghormati mereka ini. Sudah pasti salepas itu kita akan menyatakan sebenarnya mereka ini tidak sombong....dengan kata lain cara kita melayan mereka harus mengikut cita rasa mereka. Bak kata pepatah melayu walau seburuk mana bapa atau ibu kita. Mereka tetap ibu dan bapa kita, kita harus menghormati mereka kerana tampa mereka kita tidak akan lahir ke muka bumi ini. Fikir firkan lah.............
Ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya selama berbelas tahun dalam SWL. Dan sudah berpuluh tahun dalam Radio Amatur. Sehingga kesaat ini saya masih lagi berhubung dengan orang2 lama saperti Pak Eshee 9M2FK, 9M2RS, 9M2FX, 9M2PT, 9M2RJ, 9M2AR, 9M2OK, 9M2SB, 9M2DX, 9M2NZ,9M2BL,9M2RI, 9M2NZ, 9M2PV, 9M2CE, 9M2PV, 9M2CM, 9M2KK, 9M2ZA, 9M2GJ dll. Walaupun ada ketika nya saya bertangkar sesuatu tentang isu Radio Amatur namum itu hanyalah perbezaan pendapat namun kami berdebat secara profesional namun kami tidak pula bertegur sapa salepas itu atau bermusuh sesama sendiri...bagi kami Radio Amatur adalah suatu hobi yang unik yang membentuk insan kearah kemantapan ilmu dan menghormati satu sama lain kami tetap berhubung sesama sendiri. Oleh yang demikian saya ingin berpesan pada diri saya dan rakan2 ham tak kira SWL, 9Ms atau 9Ws marilah kita sama-sama menghormati sesama sendiri dan sentisalah kita bertolak ansur dalam menangani sesuatu isu. Marilah kita lupakan apa yang telah berlaku yang salah kita maafkan dan marilah sama-sama kita perbetulkan. Yang penting kita harus Respect/Menghormati mereka2 yang lebih tua dari kita dan berpengalaman. Saya nyatakan disini ada antara 9Ws yang hebat dari segi Ilmu nya namun perbezaan antara 9Ms dan 9Ws hanyalah pengalaman. Akhirkata semoga kita semua bersatu atas nama Radio Amatur ........
Disini saya ingin menasihati rakan ham yang ada pada hari ini baik yang lama atau yang baru marilah kita sama-sama menghormati sesama sendiri. Jika anda rasa 9Ms ada yang sombong mungkin peratusnya terlalu sedikit atau boleh kita kira 1 atau 2...tapi cuba anda bersabar cuba ketemu meraka buatlah majlis2 tertentu jemput lah mereka jika mereka tidak mahu datang atau sudah uzur...pergi menjemput mereka...dan bawa mereka bersama dalam majlis tersebut cuba jangan berpolitik kita cerita tentang radio amatur sahaja. Jika mereka yang lama ini tidak mahu hadir di majlis rasmi maka pakat lah dua tiga orang pergilah menzirahi mereka saya percaya 9Ms ini akan gembira dengan kedatangan anda menziarahi mereka. Dan sentiasalah menghubungi mereka dan bertanya khabar. Saya percaya jika sekiranya kita bersifat terbuka dan sentiasa menghormati mereka ini. Sudah pasti salepas itu kita akan menyatakan sebenarnya mereka ini tidak sombong....dengan kata lain cara kita melayan mereka harus mengikut cita rasa mereka. Bak kata pepatah melayu walau seburuk mana bapa atau ibu kita. Mereka tetap ibu dan bapa kita, kita harus menghormati mereka kerana tampa mereka kita tidak akan lahir ke muka bumi ini. Fikir firkan lah.............
Ini berdasarkan pengalaman saya selama berbelas tahun dalam SWL. Dan sudah berpuluh tahun dalam Radio Amatur. Sehingga kesaat ini saya masih lagi berhubung dengan orang2 lama saperti Pak Eshee 9M2FK, 9M2RS, 9M2FX, 9M2PT, 9M2RJ, 9M2AR, 9M2OK, 9M2SB, 9M2DX, 9M2NZ,9M2BL,9M2RI, 9M2NZ, 9M2PV, 9M2CE, 9M2PV, 9M2CM, 9M2KK, 9M2ZA, 9M2GJ dll. Walaupun ada ketika nya saya bertangkar sesuatu tentang isu Radio Amatur namum itu hanyalah perbezaan pendapat namun kami berdebat secara profesional namun kami tidak pula bertegur sapa salepas itu atau bermusuh sesama sendiri...bagi kami Radio Amatur adalah suatu hobi yang unik yang membentuk insan kearah kemantapan ilmu dan menghormati satu sama lain kami tetap berhubung sesama sendiri. Oleh yang demikian saya ingin berpesan pada diri saya dan rakan2 ham tak kira SWL, 9Ms atau 9Ws marilah kita sama-sama menghormati sesama sendiri dan sentisalah kita bertolak ansur dalam menangani sesuatu isu. Marilah kita lupakan apa yang telah berlaku yang salah kita maafkan dan marilah sama-sama kita perbetulkan. Yang penting kita harus Respect/Menghormati mereka2 yang lebih tua dari kita dan berpengalaman. Saya nyatakan disini ada antara 9Ws yang hebat dari segi Ilmu nya namun perbezaan antara 9Ms dan 9Ws hanyalah pengalaman. Akhirkata semoga kita semua bersatu atas nama Radio Amatur ........
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Amateur Radio Satellite Sumbandila Sat

Current News
South African Amateur Radio Payload Reaches Orbit (Sep 18, 2009) -- After several delays, South Africa's SumbandilaSat satellite finally blasted to orbit aboard a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on September 17. The main payload is a multi-spectral imager, but the satellite also carries an Amateur Radio component consisting of a 2 meter/70 cm FM repeater. After SumbandilaSat is fully commissioned, the repeater will be activated with an uplink at 145.880 MHz and a downlink at 435.350 MHz; there will also be a voice beacon at 435.300 MHz. The transponder mode will be controlled by a CTCSS tone on the uplink frequency. The CTCSS tone frequencies have yet to be announced. SumbandilaSat was sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology and was built at SunSpace in cooperation with the Stellenbosch University. In addition to the SA-AMSAT amateur module, the satellite carries Stellenbosch University's radiation experiment and software defined radio (SDR) project, an experiment from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and a VLF radio module from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
Read more about Sumbandila Sat
Friday, July 10, 2009
Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave Oven

Prepared By: William P. Kopp
A. R. E. C. Research Operations
Ten Reasons to Throw out your Microwave Oven
From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting in our kitchens. Based on this research, we will conclude this article with the following:
1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term - permanent - brain damage by 'shorting out' electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].
2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.
3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.
4). The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.
5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.
6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.
7). Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumors]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in America .
8). The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.
9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.
10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.
Have you tossed out your microwave oven yet? After you throw out your microwave, you can use a toaster oven as a replacement. It works well for most and is nearly as quick. The use of artificial microwave transmissions for subliminal psychological control, a.k.a. 'brainwashing', has also been proven. We're attempting to obtain copies of the 1970's Russian research documents and results written by Drs. Luria and Perov specifying their clinical experiments in this area
I have known for years that the problem with microwaved anything is not the radiation people used to worry about, It's how it corrupts the DNA in the food so the body can not recognize it. So the body wraps it in fat cells to protect itself from the dead food or it eliminates it fast. Think of all the Mothers heating up milk in these 'Safe' appliances. What about the nurse in Canadathat warmed up blood for a transfusion patient and accidentally killed them when the blood went in dead. But the makers say it's safe. But proof is in the pictures of living plants dying.
Prepared By: William P. Kopp
A. R. E. C. Research Operations
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Mengapa? Bila? Siapa…??
Masa telah berlalu…
Pada kebelakangan ini terdapat berbagai perkara dan perubahan belaku di sekitar kita…berkaitan perkembangan Radio Amatur di negara kita….
Perkara yang ketara ini berlaku semenjak tahun 2000 lagi …….suka atau tidak kita semua terpaksa mengharungi nya. Ramai antara kita pada hari ini menyuarakan rasa ketidak puasan ….di atas apa yang berlaku pada hari ini…..Ada yang bersifat sementara dan ada yang bersifat kekal…..
Kami berpendapat bahawa perlu ada satu perubahan dari segi kawal selia oleh pihak berkuasa dan suatu pembahruan harus di lakukan.. Undang-undang dan garis panduan perlu di kemas kini bagi menyesuaikan keadaan semasa dan mengikut peredaran zaman, dalam hal ini kita seharusnya prihatin keatas hal-hal semasa…..Ada antara kita pada hari ini meluahkan persaan ketidak puasan mereka di kedai-kedai kopi bersama rakan-rakan mereka…dan ada di antaranya melalui email dan lain-lain lagi. Ramai yang merungut di belakang tabir….dan setengahnya langsung tidak kisah Mungkin ada yang mengatakan ah buat apa aku nak pening-pening kepala ni hobi saje cari hiburan dan suka-suka.
Dan ada sebilangan kecil pula mengatakan kita harus buat sesuatu…..akan tetapi apa yang kita lihat…disini perkara ini hanya….dibincangkan dikedai-kedai kopi yang tiada kesudahan nya..hanya segelintar yang benar-benar buat sesuatu dari 8,000 orang pemilik AA di Negara kita mungkin kurang 0.05 % yang benar2 lakukan sesuatu bagi kesejahteraan kita semua namun mereka-mereka ini ada lah segelintir masyarakat ham yang perihatin terhadap perkara ini kita harus berterima kasih pada mereka ini.
Contohnya mereka ini lah yang telah berjuang menuntut supaya AA kelas B diujudkan dan juga cukai alat komunikasi dimansuhkan dll. Yang lain2 nya hanya boleh complian di kedai-kedai kopi sahaja. Mengapa tidak kita sebagai individu tidak buat lapuran atau cadangan dengan cara rasmi terus ke meja pihak yang berwajib saya percaya jika sekiranya masing-masing menjalankan tanggung jawab perkara-perkara ini dapat kita laksanakan sementara itu persatuan-persatuan harus tampil kehadapan buat sesuatu untuk kesejahteraan kita semua kita boleh lihat sekarang ini persatuan2 radio amatur tumbuh macam cendawan akan tetapi berapa banyak persatuan ini yang benar-benar bersuara ke pihak atasan kebanyakan nya hanya tunggu dan lihat. Mungkin pada anggapan mereka tak perlu buat ini semua kerana kita ada satu persatuan yang mewakili kita semua namun ada ketika nya mereka-mereka ini terlepas pandang atau terlupa atau sibuk menjalakan aktiviti dalaman sehingga terlupa yang mereka ini mewakili seluruh ahli radio amatur di Negara kita.
Kita tidak menyalahkan sesiapa dalam hal ini kerana apa yang kita lakukan adalah secara sukarela apakan alasan ini boleh kita semua terima? Ada juga persatuan-persatuan yang tidak menjadi atau mewakili Negara tampil kehadapan buat kertas kerja dan berikan pada pihak berkuasa ada di antara kertas kerjanya Berjaya tak kurang perkara2 yang diusulkan tidak mendapat apa2 jawapan atau diambil perhatian……dan ada juga antara cadangan tersebut di ceduk saperti copy and paste dan menjadi cadangan pihak yang lain ibarat kata cadangan berkenaan hanya di tukar kulit sahaja…isi kandungannya tetap sama Cuma kulit saje yang bertukar. Ibarat kata pepatah Lembu punya nama sapi dapat nama. Ini lah realiti nya.
Baru-baru ini kita lihat ada 9M yang merajuk dan terus mahu meninggalkan arena ini melalui tulisan beliau di laman web beliau beliau mencurahkan rasa hampa diatas apa yang berlaku sekarang ini sementara itu terdapat komen di laman2 lain ada yang sedih tak kurang juga ada yang tidak setuju dengan tindakan beliau. Namun itulah realitinya. Ada di anatara komen yang menarik perhatian saya ialah mengatakan Ahh ini hobi saje…..memang benar kalau kita sekali pandang ini hanyalah satu hobi…tapi jika kita fikir sedalam-dalam nya hobi ini tidak lah saperti hobi2 yang lain kerana ia memerlukan semangat dan dedikasi yang tinggi. Kita terpaksa belajar…kemudian menduduki ujian dan ada di antaranya perlu menduduki beberapa kali akhirnya mereka ini Berjaya. Akan tetapi bagi mereka2 yang tidak MENGHAYATI hobi ini sepenuhnya mereka2 ini tidak merasakan saperti apa yang dirasakan oleh rakan2 kita tadi. Mereka2 ini beranggapan ini hanyalah suatu hobi yang biasa….bukannya luar biasa. Hanya mereka2 yang benar-benar menghayati hobi ini mereka akan berjuang bermati matian untuk mendapatkan nya saya teringat dengan seorang rakan yang mengambil ujian RAE selama 10 kali(10 Tahun) baru beliau lulus apa-apa pun ada di antara kita yang serious dan yang banyak kita lihat hanya sekadar ikut-ikut atau memenuhi masa lapang.
Mungkin apa yang diluahkan oleh rakan itu ada kebenarannya jika anda benar-benar seorang ham anda akan berasa hampa dengan apa yang berlaku pada ketika ini saya sendiri merasa hampa…….
Nak kata kita tidak buat buat cadangan ….kita telah lakukannya
Nak kata kita tidak buat kertas kerja….itu pun kita telah lakukan……
Yang paling hampa sekali sikap sebahagian kakitangan yang berwajib…….yang diberi kuasa dan tanggung jawab…..tidak melakukan sesuatu bagi melaksakan segala cadangan yang di bentangkan. Kemana hala tuju kita?????
Yang pastinya mereka-mereka yang diamahkan ini tidak melakukan apa yang sepatutnya mereka lakukan akan tetapi ada diantaranya amat gemar melakukan kerja disebaliknya adakah kita boleh berbangga dengan 8,000 orang pemilik AA Radio Amatur dinegara kita kalau kita bandingkan Negara Thailand missalnya mereka mempunyi lebih dari 150,000 orang pemilik Lesen Radio amatur. Kita ingin melihat suatu perbahruan dinegara kita. Jika kita boleh mencapai saperti apa yang Negara jiran kita, sudah pastinya kita akan lahirkan jurutera2 ..juruteknik2 yang berkemahiran di bidang komunikasi, satelit dan lain-lain lagi.
Sementara itu ini akan dapat menjana ekonomi negara kita melalui keujudan industri-idustri komunikasi dan lain-lain lagi.
Mari kita lihat pula berapa ramai Ham yang ada pada hari ini yang benar-banar tampil kehadapan untuk membantu ketika di adakan field day….pameran dan yang paling ketara sekali sewaktu bencana. Yang pelik nya masyarakat kita hari ini amat suka memberi komen dan condem…ini tak betul …itu tak betul…..akan tetapi beliau sendiri tidak datang membantu. Apabila kita buat sesuatu perkara ada saje yang tidak kena, kita semua tidak boleh lari dari kesilapaan namun kesilapan atau cacat cela adalah sebagai panduan kita di masa akan datang supaya kesilapan itu tidak berulang namun hari ini ramai dikalangan kita cepat menjatuhkan sesuatu hukuman tampa memberi panduan atau tampil kehadapan untuk memperbaiki keadaan……kebanyakaan masyarakat kita pada hari ini hanya pandai bercakap…al maklum saje lah mulut kita tak ada insuran…kita boleh cakap apa yang kita suka…tapi sebelum kita mengeluarkan sesuatu perkataan eloklah kita muhasabah diri kita adakah dengan perkataan kita itu menyakiti hati orang lain.

Mulai hari ini marilah kita sama-sama berubah…lakukan lah perkara yang boleh mendatangkan faedah kepada kita semua. Kalau dulu sifat kita hanya pandai memberi komen kenapa tidak hari ini kita sama-sama membantu rakan-rakan yang lain bagi memperbaiki sesuatu perkara. Jika kita lihat sesuatu yang kita boleh bantu maka apalah salahnya kita luangkan sedikit masa membantu mereka-mereka ini.
Biasanya orang suka menanyakan sesuatu kenapa tak buat macam tu?…kenapa jadi begini? mengapa tak buat begini dan lain lain lagi. Hari ini marilah kita tukar jadi begini….Boleh tak kita buat begini….Boleh saya TOLONG…ada apa yang boleh saya BANTU,….Mari kita sama-sama buat……
Sunday, May 17, 2009
From the Newsline.....
HAM RADIO IN SPACE: EUROPEAN HAM TO BECOME ISS COMMANDER Frank De Winne, ON1DWN, is set to become the first European Space Agency astronaut to oversee the International Space Station. De Winne is currently at Russia's cosmonaut training center outside of Moscow. He will leave there later this week and fly to neighboring Kazakhstan, where a Soyuz rocket is being prepared to carry him, Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Robert Thirsk, VA3CSA, to the orbiting space outpost. That launch is currently scheduled for May 27 . The arrival of these three space adventurers which will bring the total number of crew on the I-S-S to six for the first time. For the first four months De Winne, who is from Belgium, will be a Flight Engineer as a member of the Expedition 20 Crew. With the next crew rotation ON1DWN will take over as Commander of Expedition 21 and will serve in that position until his return to Earth in November. This will mark the first time that someone other than a Russian or an American has held that post. More is on-line at and at
HAM RADIO IN SPACE: EUROPEAN HAM TO BECOME ISS COMMANDER Frank De Winne, ON1DWN, is set to become the first European Space Agency astronaut to oversee the International Space Station. De Winne is currently at Russia's cosmonaut training center outside of Moscow. He will leave there later this week and fly to neighboring Kazakhstan, where a Soyuz rocket is being prepared to carry him, Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Robert Thirsk, VA3CSA, to the orbiting space outpost. That launch is currently scheduled for May 27 . The arrival of these three space adventurers which will bring the total number of crew on the I-S-S to six for the first time. For the first four months De Winne, who is from Belgium, will be a Flight Engineer as a member of the Expedition 20 Crew. With the next crew rotation ON1DWN will take over as Commander of Expedition 21 and will serve in that position until his return to Earth in November. This will mark the first time that someone other than a Russian or an American has held that post. More is on-line at and at
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Malaysia was first exposed to ham radio in 1924. Back then Malaysia was known as Malaya, parts of which were under the British colonial rules. The British expatriates who worked in Malaya then brought ham radio, also known as Amateur Radio, to this side of the world.
Since then we have more than 7,000 licensed hams (or Radio Amateurs) in Malaysia. Back then, one first became a Short Wave Listener (SWL) before becoming a real ham. In those days ham radio activities in Malaysia were very rare. I still remember in 1978 when I was a SWL, there were less than 250 ham radio operators in Malaysia. At that time there were only Class A licence holders. The regulations then were very strict. You were not allowed to operate a transceiver at your home or car even though you already passed your Radio Amateur Examination (RAE). .You must pass your CW (Morse Code) test before you could apply for ham radio license from Jabatan Telekom. At that time you could hardly see 2 meter Yagi or HF Yagi on roof tops ……For info also in the early days …to mid 80s no one are allow to work on mobile. For the first years of transmission you cannot go on voice or phone after one year of operational than only you are allow to work on voice otherwise you have to go on morse code.
Things changed in 1997 when the first Class B licence was issued…At that time we still had less than 1,000 licensed hams in Malaysia. In 1997 MCMC took over Jabatan Telekom Between 1998 – 2000 there was no RAE; SWLs were at lost. For two years, there was no new licensed hams.
A group of radio hams in MARTS took the initiative to get things moving, and forwarded a proposal to MCMC regarding this issue. As a result, the first RAE, organized by the MCMC with the help of some veteran hams, was conducted at PWTC in 2001. Today there are about 7,000 licensed hams in Malaysia…..
Society and Clubs…
In the early days we had only MARTS. BARTS, SARTS, In 1997 ASTRA was formed, and in 2002 MARES was born. Today there are more than 10 amateur radio clubs in Malaysia. Among the active one are MARTS, ASTRA and MARES, Recently many radio clubs have mushroomed. Almost every state has radio clubs. This is good as it caters the needs of hams who live far away from KL. Some of the clubs organize activities, participate in exhibition organized by local authorities, and some even have links with the bigger amateur radio organizations based in KL.
Very recently a lot of recreational organizations have also mushroomed thoroughout our country, and some of their members are radio amateurs. These radio amateurs try to integrate amateur radio into activities organized by these recreational organizations. Their intention is good, unfortunately what actually transpired is something else.
Since getting an Apparatus Assignment for Amateur Radio Service (amateur radio license) is quite difficult or troublesome for many members of these organizations, they decided to take the shortcut.
They form a club and apply for Apparatus Assignment for Mobile Radio Service, usually for private use. With the AA and the allocated frequency, their members can now transmit even though they do not have Amateur Radio license. The idea is to give these members experience and training to talk like radio amateurs. On the one hand, the intention to get more people to become a radio very good. On the other hand, they are misleading their members that Amateur Radio is only about chatting using two way radios. So even before passing their RAE many thought they have become real hams. As a result of this most of radio hams now days are not knowledgeable.. Only some really work hard for the RAE and learn more after they have passed the RAE. …The rest couldn’t careless as they are now licensed to use amateur radio equipment. I consider these people not true radio amateurs..I wish to say this…during our good old days as SWL we really enjoyed it and until today if they have time, they still listen to “short wave “
Why did GOD give us 2 ears and one mouth?…
We need to use our ears to listen more than to use our mouth to talk. Why? Someone once told me that the more we talk the more mistake we make…Let me share some knowledge with all of you. During SWL days way back in 1979 I built my own half size G5RV antenna by just listening to 2 radio amateurs discussion on how to build the G5RV antenna on 7.040Mhz LSB. Today I still can remember by heart the length of the antenna. We also learned during SWL days how to operate HF rig and how to tune them using manual ATU. During field day, and exhibition we always gave a helping hand where possible. Most of the SWLs always looked forward to participate in events such as field day, JOTA and etc.
That time most of the QSO was on HF… our exposure was more towards HF. We were not interested to go on 2 meter. Most of us liked to work DX…..because its more fun and thrill up there.
Also, during SWL days we learned all the tricks……once we got our ticket most of active hams already knew us…because we participated in a lot of event organized by the senior hams. Thanks to those hams who were happy to share their experience and knowledge with us..
We also learned to be patient. Some of the knowledge we learned was not found in any textbook. I remember when I first went on “mobile HF” way back in 1991…
At that time we didn’t have repeater linking every state in the country. When I first installed HF set in my car, I had some problems. When the engine was on the receiption was good. But every time I switched ON my airconditioner, hash and RF noise would over ride all the signals…..I checked and found that the condenser fan which was located near the radiator was not equipped with a filter….then I bought a 0.001 uF capacitor. This type of capacitor was widely used. At one time it was installed at the distributor. After installing the capacitor at the condenser fan the problem went away. . I enjoyed working HF while travelling long distances. I remember at one time while driving from KL to Penang I used to have QSO with our late Dato Tan 9M2DW in Muar Johor all the way from KL to Penang. I really enjoyed working HF, mobile, at that time….It so happened that in 1992 the propagation was good.
Would you believe that when the condition was good I used to work Europe on 40 meter while mobile?
After I sold my car I bought a new car…this new car really gave me headache you know why.. believe me ….I had an HF set in this car. The moment you start the engine the HF set would pickup a lot of noise…I did not know what to do. I called a few senior hams to ask for advice, they told me to do this and that …I told them everything I had done and that they did not solve the problem. I spend few weeks trying to locate the culprit. After trying so many things…I found out the culprit was the ECU (Engine Control Unit). The ECU was not shielded properly as the casing was made of plastic. You need to put this stuff into a metal casing and ground the casing. So gentleman, we learn so many things during our SWL years. I helped some radio amateurs to put up 3 element Yagi for HF. Its so huge. One element was about 36ft in length. We couldn’t imagine how to put up this kind of antenna but we managed to put it up without using a crane. Again we learned so many things during the good old days from constructing & installation antennae, towers, mast and so on.
A few months ago we put up one tower and HF Yagi antenna at the club house. I wished that time many SWL, 9Ws and new 9Ms would come and see how to put up the tower and the HF Yagi. Unfortunately, only a few turned up. So many missed the boat...It’s not easy to see how hams put up this kind of towers and HF antenna. So next time if you hear someone wanting to put up this kind of thing, don’t miss it …If you become a ham u need to learn some basic things….
1. You must have basic tools
2. Learn to use multimeter to check continuity, voltage..AC and DC
These are basic thing a ham should know
3. Learn how to solder
4. SWR meter– Learn how to use and read SWR
And many more.
I used to tell youngsters if you become a ham you learn so many things…
1. Civil Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
4. Electronic Engineering
Some of the things which we learn you cannot find in any books..or at any college or university…..and most important of all, most you cannot buy it……
Almost all old time radio amateurs value our licence. We keep it with pride. Many newly licensed radio amateurs today are different. Their callsigns are nothing of value to them. So, many lend their callsigns to unlicensed friends.
Moreover, why do many newly licensed radio amateurs today use non amateur lingo which is made up of words and expression such as Loceng Terbang, Oscar Tango Mike and Kotak Hitam which are not found in the vocabulary list of most radio amateurs ? WHY???
Very very recently there was an interesting article that came out in one of the local newspapers. The article was about a “commercial” radio club that train people to become radio amateurs. The big shots in clubs like this call their club by various names including “Kelab Radio Komersial [Comercial Radio Club]”, “Pre-amateur Club” and so on. I prefer to call clubs like these “Non-Amateur Radio Club.” Because most of these club are only allowed to operate on frequencies outside the ham band, usually in the range of 140 - 143Mhz.
I think the intention of the people behind the publication of the article is good but unfortunately they didn’t think of the impact of the article on amateur radio and radio amateurs. First, the presentation of the article in the newspaper seems to suggest that this club is an Amateur Radio Club. That is misleading because no legally licensed amateur radio operator is allowed to transmit in the 140-143Mhz range. This makes the newspaper a laughing stock to the whole world of amateur radio. Readers who do not know anything about ham radio would get the wrong picture. I don’t think the article did a good job in educating the public about ham radio.
The big shots of the non amateur radio clubs often claim to train people interested in ham radio by allowing them to have their own two way radio equipment and allowing them to operate their radio while driving their cars or while they are at their home. It is illegal for unlicensed amateur radio operators to operate two way radios. But club like these make it legal. Clubs like these give the impression that ham radio is about buying a two way radio and transmitting on air. The proponents of these clubs are actually making a big mistake. The rules and regulations are there to make radio amateurs a disciplined lot, but most non-amateur radio clubs seem to tell people to break rules.
I have received reports from some hams friends that these so-called “pre-radio amateurs” in their terms saying some of them use linear amps. Some using 100watts and 200watts jamming stations they don’t like. This is unhealthy, and contrary to the amateur radio spirit. This never happened before. Yet it is now happening in Malaysia, and spreading like a wild fire.
In 1997, the Malaysian government legalised CB radios. Why can’t these group of people move themselves to CB, and learn the technique there..and later upgrade themselves to amateur radio. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen. Instead, they insist on using VHF two way radios including amateur radio equipment. Their membership drive blur the disctinction between real ham and non ham. As a results, many newly licensed hams join these non-amateur radio clubs. This is like going back to kindergarten once you have finished primary school.
Moreover, some of the graduates of the non amateur radio clubs try to be gurus once they have become licensed ham. They try to lead a new school of thought in ham radio. Unfortunately they don’t have enough experience and knowledge. So what they are doing causes irreparable damage to the image of legally licensed radio amateurs, and tarnish the image of the country, without them being aware of it. In the early days and in the 90s radio amateurs were well respected by many people because of their skills, knowledge and contribution to the society. Today radio amateurs are perceived by many as “TONTO” as a result.
Why? Nowadays in oder for any people to come on air they dont need to sit for the Radio Amateur Examination. They go short cut. They can arrange to meet a representative of the non-amateur radio clubs at a coffee shop, or a stall under a tree, pay RM50, and get their callsign. With that callsign they can carry amateur radio equipment and talk like they are legally licensed ham. This is wrong. The Apparatus Assignment (AA) given to their club/s do/es not allow them to use amateur radio equipment. The Apparatus Assignment given to their club/s only allows them to operate in the Land/Mobile Radio Service along with radio taxi operators. That AA does not allow them to operate in Amateur Radio Service. There is no rules/regulations that require them to use amateur radio lingo/slang and Q-codes in the Land/Mobile Radio Service. Otherwise those radio-taxi drivers would have long been using Q-Codes.
Furthermore, they are supposed to use Land Mobile Radios and be bound by Land Mobile Radio Specification as set out in the Technical Specification of the CMA 1998. By using Amateur Radio Equipment they are actually using radios that are not type-approved for Land/Mobile Radio Service, and they may. have violated CMA 1998 which could cause them a hefty fine. Unfortunately many of these “pemegang AA Kelab Komersial” believe they are legal radio operators and need not worry about being checked by authorities. Perhaps MCMC is not yet aware of this, or just waiting to press the button.
Many big shots of these non-amateur radio clubs claim they train and watch their members. I wonder what kind of training they give their members. I have received reports that many members of these clubs have to fight for air time because they have too few frequencies to use. In the fights, some use linear amps to jam the transmission of their adversaries. Consequently, many resort to being pirates, using frequencies not allocated to them or their club. Even while being ‘pirates’ they call themselves “ham,” their activities as “ham radio” and they use ham lingo Again this tarnishes the good names of legally licensed ham. This is not what amateur radio is all about. Legally licensed radio amateurs do not use frequencies outside the bands allocated for Amateur Radio Service. Legally licensed ham do not cause disruption to other radio services. Illegal and unauthorised hams do.
Ham friends in neibouring countries have often told me they are shocked when they hear these “pre-amateur hams” talking outside the ham band. Most think that our hams here are allowed to work outside the ham bands. Some have even accused our government to have contravened the band plan allocated for Region 3 by the International Telecommunication Union.
Oh my god this is a real disaster, and it is happening in this century. We have good and talented people who mess the whole thing up and make people confuse. I feel very frustrated that this thing is happening in Malaysia and nothing is being done about it.
I wonder how many SWLs today have shortwave receivers, and monitor shortwave broadcasts. Back then, this is what most SWL do, and that’s why they are called Short Wave Listener.
To all legally licensed radio amateurs, please wake up and do something.
Amateur radio clubs/organizations have to come forward to discuss this issue. This is not the job of MCMC alone. All representatives of amateur radio clubs/societies have to sit down together and draw some guidelines and do something to protect the interest of all legally licensed hams. We can no longer talk about this problem at coffee shops or discuss it in small groups. We need to get together as one head. We need people to give ideas to improve things.
THE FUTURE OF Amateur Radio in this country is in your hands.
My advice is get very close with the old timers which you can trust. Go and see them, visit them, learn from them and gain some knowledge from them…..Dont listen to amateur who talks about negative things about amateurs.
You have to see them to discover the true story behind ,only then, you can judge them.
Malaysia was first exposed to ham radio in 1924. Back then Malaysia was known as Malaya, parts of which were under the British colonial rules. The British expatriates who worked in Malaya then brought ham radio, also known as Amateur Radio, to this side of the world.
Since then we have more than 7,000 licensed hams (or Radio Amateurs) in Malaysia. Back then, one first became a Short Wave Listener (SWL) before becoming a real ham. In those days ham radio activities in Malaysia were very rare. I still remember in 1978 when I was a SWL, there were less than 250 ham radio operators in Malaysia. At that time there were only Class A licence holders. The regulations then were very strict. You were not allowed to operate a transceiver at your home or car even though you already passed your Radio Amateur Examination (RAE). .You must pass your CW (Morse Code) test before you could apply for ham radio license from Jabatan Telekom. At that time you could hardly see 2 meter Yagi or HF Yagi on roof tops ……For info also in the early days …to mid 80s no one are allow to work on mobile. For the first years of transmission you cannot go on voice or phone after one year of operational than only you are allow to work on voice otherwise you have to go on morse code.
Things changed in 1997 when the first Class B licence was issued…At that time we still had less than 1,000 licensed hams in Malaysia. In 1997 MCMC took over Jabatan Telekom Between 1998 – 2000 there was no RAE; SWLs were at lost. For two years, there was no new licensed hams.
A group of radio hams in MARTS took the initiative to get things moving, and forwarded a proposal to MCMC regarding this issue. As a result, the first RAE, organized by the MCMC with the help of some veteran hams, was conducted at PWTC in 2001. Today there are about 7,000 licensed hams in Malaysia…..
Society and Clubs…
In the early days we had only MARTS. BARTS, SARTS, In 1997 ASTRA was formed, and in 2002 MARES was born. Today there are more than 10 amateur radio clubs in Malaysia. Among the active one are MARTS, ASTRA and MARES, Recently many radio clubs have mushroomed. Almost every state has radio clubs. This is good as it caters the needs of hams who live far away from KL. Some of the clubs organize activities, participate in exhibition organized by local authorities, and some even have links with the bigger amateur radio organizations based in KL.
Very recently a lot of recreational organizations have also mushroomed thoroughout our country, and some of their members are radio amateurs. These radio amateurs try to integrate amateur radio into activities organized by these recreational organizations. Their intention is good, unfortunately what actually transpired is something else.
Since getting an Apparatus Assignment for Amateur Radio Service (amateur radio license) is quite difficult or troublesome for many members of these organizations, they decided to take the shortcut.
They form a club and apply for Apparatus Assignment for Mobile Radio Service, usually for private use. With the AA and the allocated frequency, their members can now transmit even though they do not have Amateur Radio license. The idea is to give these members experience and training to talk like radio amateurs. On the one hand, the intention to get more people to become a radio very good. On the other hand, they are misleading their members that Amateur Radio is only about chatting using two way radios. So even before passing their RAE many thought they have become real hams. As a result of this most of radio hams now days are not knowledgeable.. Only some really work hard for the RAE and learn more after they have passed the RAE. …The rest couldn’t careless as they are now licensed to use amateur radio equipment. I consider these people not true radio amateurs..I wish to say this…during our good old days as SWL we really enjoyed it and until today if they have time, they still listen to “short wave “
Why did GOD give us 2 ears and one mouth?…
We need to use our ears to listen more than to use our mouth to talk. Why? Someone once told me that the more we talk the more mistake we make…Let me share some knowledge with all of you. During SWL days way back in 1979 I built my own half size G5RV antenna by just listening to 2 radio amateurs discussion on how to build the G5RV antenna on 7.040Mhz LSB. Today I still can remember by heart the length of the antenna. We also learned during SWL days how to operate HF rig and how to tune them using manual ATU. During field day, and exhibition we always gave a helping hand where possible. Most of the SWLs always looked forward to participate in events such as field day, JOTA and etc.
That time most of the QSO was on HF… our exposure was more towards HF. We were not interested to go on 2 meter. Most of us liked to work DX…..because its more fun and thrill up there.
Also, during SWL days we learned all the tricks……once we got our ticket most of active hams already knew us…because we participated in a lot of event organized by the senior hams. Thanks to those hams who were happy to share their experience and knowledge with us..
We also learned to be patient. Some of the knowledge we learned was not found in any textbook. I remember when I first went on “mobile HF” way back in 1991…
At that time we didn’t have repeater linking every state in the country. When I first installed HF set in my car, I had some problems. When the engine was on the receiption was good. But every time I switched ON my airconditioner, hash and RF noise would over ride all the signals…..I checked and found that the condenser fan which was located near the radiator was not equipped with a filter….then I bought a 0.001 uF capacitor. This type of capacitor was widely used. At one time it was installed at the distributor. After installing the capacitor at the condenser fan the problem went away. . I enjoyed working HF while travelling long distances. I remember at one time while driving from KL to Penang I used to have QSO with our late Dato Tan 9M2DW in Muar Johor all the way from KL to Penang. I really enjoyed working HF, mobile, at that time….It so happened that in 1992 the propagation was good.
Would you believe that when the condition was good I used to work Europe on 40 meter while mobile?
After I sold my car I bought a new car…this new car really gave me headache you know why.. believe me ….I had an HF set in this car. The moment you start the engine the HF set would pickup a lot of noise…I did not know what to do. I called a few senior hams to ask for advice, they told me to do this and that …I told them everything I had done and that they did not solve the problem. I spend few weeks trying to locate the culprit. After trying so many things…I found out the culprit was the ECU (Engine Control Unit). The ECU was not shielded properly as the casing was made of plastic. You need to put this stuff into a metal casing and ground the casing. So gentleman, we learn so many things during our SWL years. I helped some radio amateurs to put up 3 element Yagi for HF. Its so huge. One element was about 36ft in length. We couldn’t imagine how to put up this kind of antenna but we managed to put it up without using a crane. Again we learned so many things during the good old days from constructing & installation antennae, towers, mast and so on.
A few months ago we put up one tower and HF Yagi antenna at the club house. I wished that time many SWL, 9Ws and new 9Ms would come and see how to put up the tower and the HF Yagi. Unfortunately, only a few turned up. So many missed the boat...It’s not easy to see how hams put up this kind of towers and HF antenna. So next time if you hear someone wanting to put up this kind of thing, don’t miss it …If you become a ham u need to learn some basic things….
1. You must have basic tools
2. Learn to use multimeter to check continuity, voltage..AC and DC
These are basic thing a ham should know
3. Learn how to solder
4. SWR meter– Learn how to use and read SWR
And many more.
I used to tell youngsters if you become a ham you learn so many things…
1. Civil Engineering
2. Mechanical Engineering
3. Electrical Engineering
4. Electronic Engineering
Some of the things which we learn you cannot find in any books..or at any college or university…..and most important of all, most you cannot buy it……
Almost all old time radio amateurs value our licence. We keep it with pride. Many newly licensed radio amateurs today are different. Their callsigns are nothing of value to them. So, many lend their callsigns to unlicensed friends.
Moreover, why do many newly licensed radio amateurs today use non amateur lingo which is made up of words and expression such as Loceng Terbang, Oscar Tango Mike and Kotak Hitam which are not found in the vocabulary list of most radio amateurs ? WHY???
Very very recently there was an interesting article that came out in one of the local newspapers. The article was about a “commercial” radio club that train people to become radio amateurs. The big shots in clubs like this call their club by various names including “Kelab Radio Komersial [Comercial Radio Club]”, “Pre-amateur Club” and so on. I prefer to call clubs like these “Non-Amateur Radio Club.” Because most of these club are only allowed to operate on frequencies outside the ham band, usually in the range of 140 - 143Mhz.
I think the intention of the people behind the publication of the article is good but unfortunately they didn’t think of the impact of the article on amateur radio and radio amateurs. First, the presentation of the article in the newspaper seems to suggest that this club is an Amateur Radio Club. That is misleading because no legally licensed amateur radio operator is allowed to transmit in the 140-143Mhz range. This makes the newspaper a laughing stock to the whole world of amateur radio. Readers who do not know anything about ham radio would get the wrong picture. I don’t think the article did a good job in educating the public about ham radio.
The big shots of the non amateur radio clubs often claim to train people interested in ham radio by allowing them to have their own two way radio equipment and allowing them to operate their radio while driving their cars or while they are at their home. It is illegal for unlicensed amateur radio operators to operate two way radios. But club like these make it legal. Clubs like these give the impression that ham radio is about buying a two way radio and transmitting on air. The proponents of these clubs are actually making a big mistake. The rules and regulations are there to make radio amateurs a disciplined lot, but most non-amateur radio clubs seem to tell people to break rules.
I have received reports from some hams friends that these so-called “pre-radio amateurs” in their terms saying some of them use linear amps. Some using 100watts and 200watts jamming stations they don’t like. This is unhealthy, and contrary to the amateur radio spirit. This never happened before. Yet it is now happening in Malaysia, and spreading like a wild fire.
In 1997, the Malaysian government legalised CB radios. Why can’t these group of people move themselves to CB, and learn the technique there..and later upgrade themselves to amateur radio. Unfortunately that doesn’t happen. Instead, they insist on using VHF two way radios including amateur radio equipment. Their membership drive blur the disctinction between real ham and non ham. As a results, many newly licensed hams join these non-amateur radio clubs. This is like going back to kindergarten once you have finished primary school.
Moreover, some of the graduates of the non amateur radio clubs try to be gurus once they have become licensed ham. They try to lead a new school of thought in ham radio. Unfortunately they don’t have enough experience and knowledge. So what they are doing causes irreparable damage to the image of legally licensed radio amateurs, and tarnish the image of the country, without them being aware of it. In the early days and in the 90s radio amateurs were well respected by many people because of their skills, knowledge and contribution to the society. Today radio amateurs are perceived by many as “TONTO” as a result.
Why? Nowadays in oder for any people to come on air they dont need to sit for the Radio Amateur Examination. They go short cut. They can arrange to meet a representative of the non-amateur radio clubs at a coffee shop, or a stall under a tree, pay RM50, and get their callsign. With that callsign they can carry amateur radio equipment and talk like they are legally licensed ham. This is wrong. The Apparatus Assignment (AA) given to their club/s do/es not allow them to use amateur radio equipment. The Apparatus Assignment given to their club/s only allows them to operate in the Land/Mobile Radio Service along with radio taxi operators. That AA does not allow them to operate in Amateur Radio Service. There is no rules/regulations that require them to use amateur radio lingo/slang and Q-codes in the Land/Mobile Radio Service. Otherwise those radio-taxi drivers would have long been using Q-Codes.
Furthermore, they are supposed to use Land Mobile Radios and be bound by Land Mobile Radio Specification as set out in the Technical Specification of the CMA 1998. By using Amateur Radio Equipment they are actually using radios that are not type-approved for Land/Mobile Radio Service, and they may. have violated CMA 1998 which could cause them a hefty fine. Unfortunately many of these “pemegang AA Kelab Komersial” believe they are legal radio operators and need not worry about being checked by authorities. Perhaps MCMC is not yet aware of this, or just waiting to press the button.
Many big shots of these non-amateur radio clubs claim they train and watch their members. I wonder what kind of training they give their members. I have received reports that many members of these clubs have to fight for air time because they have too few frequencies to use. In the fights, some use linear amps to jam the transmission of their adversaries. Consequently, many resort to being pirates, using frequencies not allocated to them or their club. Even while being ‘pirates’ they call themselves “ham,” their activities as “ham radio” and they use ham lingo Again this tarnishes the good names of legally licensed ham. This is not what amateur radio is all about. Legally licensed radio amateurs do not use frequencies outside the bands allocated for Amateur Radio Service. Legally licensed ham do not cause disruption to other radio services. Illegal and unauthorised hams do.
Ham friends in neibouring countries have often told me they are shocked when they hear these “pre-amateur hams” talking outside the ham band. Most think that our hams here are allowed to work outside the ham bands. Some have even accused our government to have contravened the band plan allocated for Region 3 by the International Telecommunication Union.
Oh my god this is a real disaster, and it is happening in this century. We have good and talented people who mess the whole thing up and make people confuse. I feel very frustrated that this thing is happening in Malaysia and nothing is being done about it.
I wonder how many SWLs today have shortwave receivers, and monitor shortwave broadcasts. Back then, this is what most SWL do, and that’s why they are called Short Wave Listener.
To all legally licensed radio amateurs, please wake up and do something.
Amateur radio clubs/organizations have to come forward to discuss this issue. This is not the job of MCMC alone. All representatives of amateur radio clubs/societies have to sit down together and draw some guidelines and do something to protect the interest of all legally licensed hams. We can no longer talk about this problem at coffee shops or discuss it in small groups. We need to get together as one head. We need people to give ideas to improve things.
THE FUTURE OF Amateur Radio in this country is in your hands.
My advice is get very close with the old timers which you can trust. Go and see them, visit them, learn from them and gain some knowledge from them…..Dont listen to amateur who talks about negative things about amateurs.
You have to see them to discover the true story behind ,only then, you can judge them.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sometimes your good friends may drop you an emails or sms. Most of us will be happy to read what ever stated in the mails or sms.The idea of them sending mails or sms is just to say hallo or they think or care about you. Normally he or she who ever received such mails/sms should be very happy some info might not be his or her interest but sometimes the person who send the emails/sms need acknowledgment…..
Now a days some peoples might think that all the mails are rubbish…..Maybe some of them are too busy they don’t have time even to answer them by typing 2 or 4 letters just to key in Thank You or TQ is that difficult to do?
Maybe some of them might think ahhh I cant be bothered…..i will delete all this emails/sms…..who cares man….. this country belongs to me…this pc belongs to me I pay all the bills…So What?????
Please don’t take this wrong…..
Why don’t today we change our habit if someone you know sending mails or sms why don’t we answer them using a simple words. TQ, Noted, Tnks, that’s all you need to do….. is it difficult to type 2 to 4 letters ?
Maybe in today’s life we intend to forget this magic word “courtesy”
In todays life we have to respect everyone no matter who they are.
Now a days some peoples might think that all the mails are rubbish…..Maybe some of them are too busy they don’t have time even to answer them by typing 2 or 4 letters just to key in Thank You or TQ is that difficult to do?
Maybe some of them might think ahhh I cant be bothered…..i will delete all this emails/sms…..who cares man….. this country belongs to me…this pc belongs to me I pay all the bills…So What?????
Please don’t take this wrong…..
Why don’t today we change our habit if someone you know sending mails or sms why don’t we answer them using a simple words. TQ, Noted, Tnks, that’s all you need to do….. is it difficult to type 2 to 4 letters ?
Maybe in today’s life we intend to forget this magic word “courtesy”
In todays life we have to respect everyone no matter who they are.
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