Malaysian Amateur Radio News

Thursday, October 12, 2017


The 60 meter band
Updated 21st January 2017 by G3PSM, 23rd January 2017 by DK4VW
Status of 5.3 MHz band In Region 1
Andorra’s previous 60m allocation 5275-5450 kHz was withdrawn last fall after WRC-15.
Starting with 2017 Andorra got a new allocation of 5351.5-5366.5 kHz with a maximum power of 15 W EIRP.
Bahrain has a channelized secondary allocation for all General Class (A9) licensees. The centre frequencies 5373 kHz and 5405 kHz are assigned on a non-interference basis for propagation experiments. Maximum bandwidth 3 kHz. Maximum mean power 27dbW (500W). The corresponding Upper Sideband (USB) voice 'dial' frequencies are 5371.5 kHz and 5403.5 kHz.
On 16 July 2016 secondary allocation of the WRC-15 band (5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz) for holders of licence class A, all modes allowed (CW,SSB, Digital) with max. TX output of 50 W. (info EU1M) 
Allocated 5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz from 1st March 2016 in line with WRC-15 decision.   All modes with a maximum 15 Watts EIRP. (Source BIPT)
Croatia issues experimental licences for both VFO based and channelized operations in the band 5260-5410 kHz all mode (June 2010) The individual experimental licenses are yearly renewable. All modes are permitted. The Croatian amateur radio emergency service, HRSVKS, operates a 24/7 HF Pactor and ALE system (PCALE) which includes the frequencies 5260, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz. (Source: 9A5K Nov 2012)
Czech Republic
Approximately 10 amateurs held an experimental license to operate on 5260 kHz with 3 kHz BW with an ERP output of 100 W. The permission expired on 31 Dec 2011. (Source: OK1MP Nov 2012).
For 2014 ten operators received permits to use 5 MHz. The authorized SSB and CW frequencies are 5288.5, 5330.5, 5366.5, 5371.5, 5398.5 and 5403.5 kHz, with a maximum power of 100 watts ERP. (Source: OK1MP)
For 2015 there are no restrictions on the number of licences for 5 MHz and the number of channels have been increased.   These are now 5276, 5288.5, 5298, 5313, 5330.5, 5333, 5362, 5366.5, 5371.5, 5395, 5398.5 and 5403.5 kHz USB dial reading,  5277.5 5290, 5299.5, 5314.5, 5332, 5334.5,5363.5, 5368, 5373, 5395.6 5400 and 5405 kHz CW. (Source: OK1MP (CRC) and OK1RP)
For 2016 there are no restrictions on the number of licences for 5 MHz and have same channels as in last year: 5276, 5288.5, 5298, 5313, 5330.5,
5333, 5362, 5366.5, 5371.5, 5395, 5398.5 and 5403.5 kHz USB dial reading, 5277.5 5290, 5299.5, 5314.5, 5332, 5334.5,5363.5, 5368, 5373, 5395.6 5400
and 5405 kHz CW with an ERP output max. of 100 W.
Denmark, including Faroe Islands
Danish amateurs can opt for a renewable experimental license for an annual fee of DKR 300 and VFO operate in the band 5250.0 - 5450.0 kHz with 1 kW output, allmode. (updated 4 March 2012). An NVIS beacon OV1BCN operates on 5290.5 kHz. Effective 1 June 2012, the pilot scheme at 5 MHz will cease, and the area from 5250 to 5450 kHz may be used by holders of A and B Certificate with all modulation types with respectively 1000 and 100W maximum output power. Issued trial licenses are valid until expiry.
Frequencies: 5278.6 / 5288.6 / 5298.6 / 5330.6 / 5346.6 / 5366.6 / 5371.6 / 5398.6
Power: 50 Watts, mode: SSB and narrow band data
Limitations: Notice of Variation for club stations. (Source: OH2BR Nov 2012)
Since 20 December 2016 (early) access to WRC-15 band (5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz) for class A licence holders, 15 W eirp, all modes, max. bandwidth 2.7 kHz.
Propagation Beacon on 5195 with callsign DRA5
Greece has a single channel allocation for the RAAG clubstation SZ1SV operating on 5398.5 kHz. This station also operates in beacon mode. (Source: SV1IW Nov 2012)
Hungary allows the use of 5318-5321 KHz on a secondary basis within the MOBILE service for emergency communications with NVIS antenna and 100W (source: NAT April 2013 Footnote H23A)
Iceland has permitted Icelandic radio amateurs to use the following frequencies in USB and CW mode (USB dial frequencies in parentheses):
5280 (5278.5), 5290 (5288.5), 5332 (5330.5), 5348 (5346.5), 5368 (5366.5), 5373 (5371.5), 5400 (5398.5), 5405 (5403.5) kHz
These are the same frequencies allowed to be used by Norwegian amateur radio club stations. Maximum allowed transmit output power is 200 W. The permission is valid from 1 June 2005 to 31 December 2010. The Icelandic radio amateurs that wish to use 60 m must apply for a special licence from the Icelandic licensing authority. (Source: LA4LN and updated by TF2JB July 2010).
The permission has evolved into a band allocation 5260-5410 kHz for both VFO and channelized operation. The maximum power is 100 Watts (Source; G4MWO April 2012). These arrangements, that originally expired by the end of 2012 have been extended for 2013 and 2014. (source: TF3JB Jan 2013)
The current license period is two years, i.e. from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016.
We are allowed 150 kHz, i.e. 5260-5410  kHz with VFO, on secondary basis; maximum power is 100W (ERP).
We are allowed  to use J3E (USB), A1A (CW) and 6OH0J2B (PSK-31); maximum transmit bandwidth is 3 kHz.
We need to apply for a special license which is valid for the 2 years. Both license classes, i.e. N and G have the same privileges(Source: TF3JB Feb 2013)
Since 22 December 2016 access to WRC-15 band (5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz), all modes with max. 15 W PEP.
With additional authorisation these spot frequencies may be used for special events or for temporary experimental purposes:
5.280 MHz;
5.300 MHz;
5.332 MHz;
5.400 MHz and
5.405 MHz
Modes: CW, SSB, PM with max. 200 w PEP.
Reference: Irish ComReg09/45R2  Date: 22nd December 2016
Following extensive contact with the military authorities by the Irish Amateur Radio Society (IRTS) it has now been agreed that for an initial period of a year four 3 kHz channels will be allocated to experimenters on a secondary and non interference basis in the 5MHz region. Individual applications will have to be made for permission to operate on these channels. 
The 3 kHz channels are centred on 5280, 5290 (receive only), 5400 and 5405 kHz. The power limit will be 23 dBW (200 watts) to an antenna with not more than 0 dBd gain (e.g. a dipole). The permitted modes will be CW, USB and digital Modes. The USB carrier frequency will be 1.5 kHz on the low frequency side of the channel centre frequencies. Some or all of these channels are also in use in the UK, Iceland, Finland, Norway, Canada and the USA. It should be noted that three beacon stations in the UK operate on the 5290 kHz channel for three minutes in every fifteen minutes. These stations are GB3RAL, GB3WES and GB3ORK Care should be taken to avoid any interference with these propagation beacons. (November 2007)

In May 2013 the Isreali Ministry of Communications (IMOC) granted the use of 8 channels for General and Extra Class licencees.   These are available on an individual application basis until March 2014 when it is hoped and extension will be agreed.   Permitted power is 100 Watts PEP and channels are 3 kHz bandwidth and are USB dial frequencies.
Permitted channels and modes are
5298.5   CW RTTY PSK SSB (USB)
5330.5   CW SSB (USB)
5357      CW RTTY PSK SSB (USB)
5366.5   CW RTTY PSK SSB (USB)
5371.5   SSB (USB)
5398.5   CW RTTY PSK SSB (USB)
5403.5   CW RTTY PSK SSB (USB)
5407     CW RTTY PSK SSB (USB)
(Source: IARC May 2013)
5260 - 5410 kHz on secondary basis, all modes (6 kHz max bandwidth) with 100 Watts output.(Source: LA4LN Nov 2012)
In June 2011 Anacom assigned 5288.5 kHz in addition to the already authorized frequencies of 5371.5 kHz and 5403.5 kHz on a secondary / non interference basis. The special propagation study permits were originally issued for a year. (Source: CT1EEB Nov 2012). A further frequency at 5380.5 kHz was granted to run from 4th July 2014 until 30th June 2015 (Source: CT1EEB July 2014)
From 1st October 2016 until 31 December 2016 the WRC-15 band (5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz) was permitted to use. A notice related to the further use is expected from ANACOM. (info CT1EEB)    
From 11 January 2017 access to WRC-15 band (5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz)  with 15 W eirp by special application for temporary usage [90 days].

Band allocation 5060 – 5450 kHz, providing for both VFO and Channelized operations.  All modes are allowed and the maximum power permitted is 3 kW on a non-interference basis. Upper Sideband (USB) must be used.
South Africa
In April 2013 the South African regulator ICASA authorised the use of 5250 and 5260 kHz for propagation research purposes. The authorisation is valid for a 8 month period and licences cost 2,900 Rand. (Source: SARL April 2013)> The 5 260 kHz frequency was changed to 5 290 kHz. The authorisation has been extended to 13 December 2015, awaiting a decision from the Council of ICASA to extend it further.
The Spanish PTT has authorized the use of several frequencies in the 5 MHz (60 m) band from January 1st to June 30th, 2014. The authorized frequencies are 5268, 5295, 5313, 5382, 5430 and 5439 kHz, with a power of 100 W PEP. (Source URE 2 January 2014). This authorisation has now been extended until 30th November 2015. (Source: EA7OP via OK1RP and G4MWO). The access to the spot freqiuencies got withdrawn by the administration.
The WRC-15 band (5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz) was approved for 2016, modes SSB/CW only and 15 watts EIRP.
Since the new national band allocation table is still not approved by the Ministry, where the band will be allocated under a secondary basis, so on December 2016 another temporary period permit was released, granted for the whole year 2017. (info EA7KW).
All OM stations can use the band from 5258.5 to 5261.5 kHz with a maximum ERP power of 100 W ERP. The licences are valid for 1 year from date of issue. (Source: OM3LU Nov 2012)
PTS (has now 17 January 2013) started to issue permits for experimental transmitters in the 5MHz band. Presently the following frequencies apply: 5310-5313 kHz, 5320-5323, 5380-5383 kHz and 5390-5393 kHz. Bandwith is limited to 3 kHz independent of type of modulation.
Maximum output power is 100 watt pep. Mobile use is not permitted. Holders of call sign for amateur radio may use their amateur radio call sign. It is permitted to make contact with other permit holders. This operation must respect all other traffic in the band. It is very important not to disturb other traffic.

PTS requires a fee for the administration. The permits are limited in time to 6 months."
From October 2016 the permission for the usage of the four segments (see above) has stopped and was replaced by the access to the WRC-15 band (5351.5  - 5366.5 kHz), but still special permits by PTS for a 6 month periode are needed.

United Kingdom
Frequencies (USB voice dial freqs): 5258.5 / 5278.5 / 5288.5 / 5366.5/5371.5/5398.5 / 5403.5 on a secondary NIB. (Until 31st December 2012)
Power: 200 Watts ERP
Limitations: Notice of Variation
From 1st January 2013 - (USB dial frequencies)
5258.5-5264, 5276-5284, 5288.5-5292, 5298-5307, 5313-5323, 5333-5338, 5354-5358, 5362-5374.5, 5378-5382, 5395-5401.5, 5403.5-5406.5 kHz
Power: 200W EiRP
Antenna: No higher than 20M above ground level
Maximum bandwidth of any transmission not to exceed 6 kHz
Operation permission by licence Notice of Variation issued by Ofcom on a NIB (Non Interference Basis) to primary users.
(updated by Colin J. Thomas, G3PSM on 12th December 2012)
Attention: Only the segments 5354 - 5358kHz and 5362 - 5366.5kHz are within the WRC-15 band (5351.5 - 5366.5 kHz).

Status of 5 MHz band Outside Region 1
Band allocation 5250 – 5310 kHz, providing for both VFO and Channelized operations. Allocated to the amateur service on a Secondary, non-interference basis for propagation experiments. All modes are permitted
In Barbados, the regulator permits operation from 5250 - 5400 kHz on USB Voice, maximum power 100W PEP ( Source:- The Telecoms Unit of the Barbados Government - Spectrum Management Handbook)

Prior to a full allocation, since the start of April 2012, Canadian amateurs have been invited to apply for a special interim developmental licence for 5 MHz / 60m, under the VX9 callsign series, by their regulator, Industry Canada (IC). The channels and conditions are identical to the current US 60m allocation. Following from their discussions with Radio Amateurs of Canada (the national society) and the implementation in March of the new FCC 60m Rules in the US, IC will publish a consultation document for radio amateurs in the official Canada Gazette. At the successful conclusion of this consultation period the current 60m allocation will be made generally available as part of the requisite Canadian amateur radio licences. In the meantime, the above offer of an interim special developmental licence is meant to provide for early access to the 60m channels available. Prior to this, 5 MHz/60m activity from Canada had been on a special permission, limited-time basis on specified frequencies. This had originated as early as 2003.
Industry Canada will allow amateur radio operators to use the 5332 kHz, 5348 kHz, 5358.5 kHz, 5373 kHz and 5405 kHz frequencies on a no-interference, no-protection basis, 2.8 kHz bandwidth, same modes as U.S., 100W PEP maximum power. (source: VE3QN 22 Jan 14)
Cayman Islands
Channelized operation on centre frequencies 5332.0, 5348.0, 5358.5, 5373.0 and 5405.0 kHz. The corresponding USB voice ‘dial’ frequencies are: 5330.5, 5346.5, 5357.0, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz. Maximum bandwidth 2.8 kHz, Maximum Power: 100W PEP ERP referenced to a half-wave dipole. Wide and narrowband datamodes are permitted, designators 2K80J2D (Example: Pactor III or Packet) and 60H0J2B (Example: PSK31) respectively. CW, designator 150HA1A, may also be used. The centre of all CW emissions must coincide with the authorized centre frequencies. Automatic operation is not permitted.
Dominican Republic
Channelized operation, centred on 5260, 5280, 5290, 5368, 5373, 5400 and 5405 kHz on a Secondary, non-interference basis. The corresponding USB voice ‘dial’ frequencies are as follows: 5258.5, 5278.5, 5288.5, 5366.5, 5371.5, 5398.5 and 5403.5 kHz. CW is also permitted.
Greenland allows channelized operation on 5258.5, 5278.5, 5288.5, 5366.5, 5371.5, 5398.5 and 5403.5 kHz. USB voice, CW and Datamodes are permitted.
Band allocation 5250 – 5450 kHz, providing for both VFO and Channelized operations. Their General licensees are permitted up to 500W p.e.p. and Advanced licensees 1 kW p.e.p. Modes include SSB and CW.
New Zealand
Frequencies: 5320 and 5394 kHz USB Internal AR Emercomms- AREC* assist (NZ SAR services). *AREC = New Zealand’s Amateur Radio Emergency Corps. More information at (Updated: G3PSM Nov 2012)
St. Lucia
Channelized operation on centre frequencies 5332.0, 5348.0, 5358.5, 5373.0 and 5405.0 kHz. The corresponding USB voice ‘dial’ frequencies are: 5330.5, 5346.5, 5357.0, 5371.5 and 5403.5 kHz. Maximum bandwidth 2.8 kHz, Maximum Power: 100W PEP ERP referenced to a half-wave dipole. Wide and narrowband datamodes are permitted, designators 2K80J2D (Example: Pactor III or Packet) and 60H0J2B (Example: PSK31) respectively. CW, designator 150HA1A, may also be used. The centre of all CW emissions must coincide with the authorized centre frequencies. Automatic operation is not permitted. (source St. Lucia NRTC).
Trinidad and Tobago
The band 5.250 to 5.450 MHz is allocated on a secondary basis to the Amateur service. Maximum output power 1.5KW (source 9Y4NED Nov 2012)
USA and dependencies
Frequencies: 5330.5 / 5346.5 / 5357/ 5371.5 / 5403.5
Power: 100 Watts ERP with 0 dBd antenna (Updated: G3PSM Nov 2012)

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