Malaysian Amateur Radio News

Thursday, February 14, 2013

10 Meter Band Report

 February 14, 2013           
Tony Dixon G4CJC

And yet again a dreary week but a sparkling weekend. The weather was bad and I had to travel so not much time for me on Ten Metres.
Good DX about, ZK3T (Tokelau Is), 3B8/HB9ARY (Pointe aux Sables), 6W/F6IRS/P (Senegal), 5X8C (Uganda) who just about gets top dog for the week, certainly for the weekend.

It seems that there is a good radio path to Malaysia judging by the number of contributions this week.
A first report from Zamri, 9W2NMX. Tuesday he worked SP8AWL 5/8, 9W2YND 5/7, 9W2KJW 4/0 and heard IW2HAJ 5/9, 9W2GEO 5/3 and 9M2AIA 5/0.
Excellent, do let us know who else you work and what your equipment is. And another first Mohd, 9M2AIS, worked JA3TJW 5/8 and JK6IMF 5/9 on Monday. On Wednesday he worked BD7IS 5/9, OK3EE 5/7 and 9W2KJW 5/8 and heard VU2DK 5/7. He is obviously delighted because he comments, “I'm very happy because I got my first time contact with OK3. I’m using a homebrew antenna dipole 30feet from the ground.”

If you have any photos of the antenna send them to me. And thanks for the report. On Monday, Sallehan, 9W2SBD, worked I4LEC 5/9, YO9FTN 599 ( PSK 31), US1US 5/9, UR4QQF 5/9, UV5EEO 5/9, UR5UO 5/9, UA3RKK 5/9, RV4CC 5/9, S57S 5/9 and JK6IMF 5/9.
He says, “I worked 10 station in 1 hour on QRP.. My Lucky day for me.. "Malaysia Boleh””

 Zaki, 9M2ZAK (just love that call) worked RW3PK, 599 long path on Tuesday. On Saturday last weekend he says “Feb 9-10, 2013 - I managed to joint my 1st digital mode contest in CQWPX RTTY 2013 contest as SOSB 10M low power category. Wkd 66 QSOs & 47 different prefixes world wide!”
That’s pretty damn good.

From Andy M0HLT comes this report. “Hi Tony, it's been a while since I last posted, but away working again, also I have not really heard too much at weekends, although there always seems to be a early morning openings to eastern Russia / Europe.
Also the Hy gain Triband vertical is full of water, even though I have brought shares in self amalgamating tape!!! So it's come down and been replaced with a Sirio 4000 7/8 wave mobile (cut for 10metres) whip on a relevant angle bracket with a so239 mounting, first call after installing a couple of weeks ago was into the Dominican with a 5/5 report. More info read here

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