Malaysian Amateur Radio News

Monday, December 28, 2009

Satellite News

AMSAT China's XW-1 Satellite Testing Proceeding Well

Amateur satellite operators worldwide have reported receiving strong signals on the telemetry beacon of China's XW-1 satellite launched on December 15, 2009.The satellite is currently being commissioned but all three amateur radio modes, which include an V/U FM repeater, V/U linear transponder, and V/U AFSK packet, have been tested.Michael Chen, BD5RV/4 reported,

"I managed to operate the special event station BT3WX to work several E2, BY, VR2, XX9 throughout an evening pass of XW-1 using the FM transponder. It was the first open test of this bird's transponder. Everything works just great!"AFSK packets were active over Japan with JA0CAW receiving the downlink on 435.675 MHz AFSK 1200bps.JE1CVL, JH1EKH, BD4SY, JF2CTY, JH1BCL, JA5BLZ succeeded in a QSO over Japan using the linear transponder in 'VHF(LSB) up and UHF (USB) Linear Transponder Inverting on 145.950 MHz (Up) and 435.740 MHz (Down).

The XW-1 communications payload includes a beacon and three cross band transponders operating in FM, linear, and digital modes.

Uplinks: 145.8250 MHz FM, PL 67.0 Hz.
145.9250 - 145.9750 MHz SSB/CW
145.8250 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS

Downlinks: 435.6750 MHz FM
435.7650 - 435.7150 MHz SSB/CW
435.6750 MHz AFSK 1200 BPS
Beacon: 435.7900 MHz CW

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