Malaysian Amateur Radio News

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sometimes your good friends may drop you an emails or sms. Most of us will be happy to read what ever stated in the mails or sms.The idea of them sending mails or sms is just to say hallo or they think or care about you. Normally he or she who ever received such mails/sms should be very happy some info might not be his or her interest but sometimes the person who send the emails/sms need acknowledgment…..
Now a days some peoples might think that all the mails are rubbish…..Maybe some of them are too busy they don’t have time even to answer them by typing 2 or 4 letters just to key in Thank You or TQ is that difficult to do?
Maybe some of them might think ahhh I cant be bothered…..i will delete all this emails/sms…..who cares man….. this country belongs to me…this pc belongs to me I pay all the bills…So What?????

Please don’t take this wrong…..
Why don’t today we change our habit if someone you know sending mails or sms why don’t we answer them using a simple words. TQ, Noted, Tnks, that’s all you need to do….. is it difficult to type 2 to 4 letters ?
Maybe in today’s life we intend to forget this magic word “courtesy”
In todays life we have to respect everyone no matter who they are.

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