Malaysian Amateur Radio News


MARTS has great pleasure in announcing His Majesty DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Almutawakkil Allallah Sultan Iskandar Johor DK Yang Dipertuan Agong Malaysia gave a wonderful surprise on coming on the air .

His majesty was on the air from the QTH of 9M2DW, Datuk Tan on Sunday 21st October 1984at about 1400Z and had QSO’s with stations 9M2BS, 9M2FK, 9M2FR, 9M2JF, 9M2LC, 9M2PV, 9M2RT, 9M2SB, 9M2SS, 2 SWLs and of course an eyeball QSO with 9M2DW.

We express our greatest delight in welcoming His Majesty to the limitless world of the Radio Amateur and we sincerely hope His Majesty finds time to be QRV on 40 meters more often and give us the pleasure of being able to speak to him.

Johore Royalty have contributed much to the advancement of Amateur activity in this country and many of us will remember 9M2JB Tunku Temenggong Ahmad who invited the entire Seanet Convention of 1973 held in Singapore to his QTH in Johore Bahru for lunch and give us an opportunity to see the Royal Palace.

9M2AT Tunku Mohd Archibold was President of Marts and took a leading role in the very successful Seanet Convention at Kuala Lumpur in 1975. This convention received much publicity in the mass media of radio and television. He also led expeditions to the islands on the east coast of 9M2 and operated maritime mobile with 9M0EXP CALL SIGN.

9M2TR Tunku Abdul Rahman has also been very active amateur.

Courtesy Marts Newsletter Seanet Edition  Nov/Dec 1984 (Thanks to 9M2HC for his Contribution of this newsletter)