Malaysian Amateur Radio News

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

60 Meter Band Proposal ?????

60 Meter Band Proposal -WRC 2015

The writer remember talking about 60 Meter band way back in 2004 or 2005 but unfortunately nobody take any action about this issue. In March 2014 we wrote a letter to the authority requested for a spot frequency for experiment purposes this band is good in case the 40m band goes down and we have a choice to go down to 60m and this will be good in case during emergency. After waited for many month no reply than on October 2014 we wrote a second letter regarding our application.

In fact we also wrote a letter to the minister regarding the above matter and we also mentioned that "having the approval just before November 2014 would be meaningfull to our societies it could be part of our preparation to assist the government bodies and victims in the coming flooding season."

It seems that no one in our country including the authority interested to do something regarding the above subject which it could be part of our preparation to asist the government bodies and victims during emergency.  Through our experienced during the huge flood in Kelantan lately... we  have a difficulties in working with 40m because certain time of the day the propagation was down......

Here are some article about 60m band written by Gary KN4AQ

As you may (or not?) know, the 2015 World Radio Conference will be considering a proposal to create a worldwide Amateur Radio 60 meter BAND (a secondary allocation) from 5275 to 5450 kHz. The WRC occurs every few years to hammer out spectrum allocations for ALL RF services, of which Amateur Radio is a tiny part. But this 60 meter proposal is on the schedule, having been added at the 2012 conference where they set the agenda for the next conference.

The FCC has published a draft proposal created by the US working group. That proposal is open for public comment until February 18. Again, it covers everything up for discussion at the WRC, but our 60 meter band proposal is in it (along with some changes to the microwave bands, but that's a topic for another list). Here's the ARRL news story on the WRC. The 60 meter proposal is short and sweet – just that bit of spectrum on a secondary basis. One extra piece of good news: The NTIA (our patron/nemisis on 60) has read over the FCC's proposal and says it's OK with them (so far)……

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