Malaysian Amateur Radio News

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Dari mana asalnya 9M4.....kenapa dan bagaimana....
cerita selanjutnya sila kesini:

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What's Wrong with Ham Radio Today

What's wrong with Ham Today?? Things have change not like the early days
where we dont have internet...cell phones etc...etc....

Why talk across the street if you can talk around the world!
Read the full article at:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Garam Bukit

Garam Bukit Baik Untuk Anda

Mulai hari ini elakan dari menggunakan garam biasa...gunalah Garam Bukit. Bawa lah keluarga kita
anak isteri kita kearah kebaikan.....Kenapa hari ini ramai yang berpenyakit...asal penyakit adalah dari perut kita, apa yang ada di dalam perut kita. Ingat mencegah adalah lebih baik dari merawat.

Yang paling Menarik garam bukit mampu memberi Tenaga pada tubuh kita
untuk keterangan lanjut sila baca.....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ham Radio Today

Ham radio today differs greatly from that of past years, but it still offers a fascinating way to explore electronics. The publication EDN looks at how it has changed and what it has to offer both old hands and newcomers alike.

Many of today’s experienced engineers got their start in electronics through amateur, or “ham,” radio. (Many theories exist over the origin of the term “ham radio,” but there is no consensus.)

Over the years, however, the demands of these engineers’ work, families, and communities took precedence, and many hams lost interest and let their licenses lapse.

Meanwhile, with the rise of personal communications and Internet connectivity in homes, many young engineers never needed ham radio as a way to explore electronics. They’ve missed the opportunity that this fascinating hobby presents.

Read the full  article at